LimnoSES.jl is a dynamical system, agent based model hybrid, focusing on socio-ecological interactions in lake systems.

Powered by the Agents.jl ABM framework and the DifferentialEquations.jl ecosystem.


Simple Optimisation Campaign

An example run looking at a planting & trawling campaign over 20 years, attempting to flip the lake state from Turbid to Clear with a 100 year time horizon

using LimnoSES

model = initialise(;
    experiment = Experiment(
        policy = Decision(
            target = clear_state,
            objectives = objectives(objective(min_time), objective(min_cost)),
        identifier = "Turbid->Clear, constant Nutrients",
        nutrient_series = Constant(),
    lake_setup = lake_initial_state(S1, Martin),
    municipalities = Dict(
        "main" => (
                interventions = planner(plan(Planting, 1:20), plan(Trawling, 1:20)),
                policies = policy(scan(Planting), scan(Trawling)),

function assets(model)
    nutrients(model) = model.lake.p.nutrients
    plant_rate(model) = model.lake.p.pv
    trawl_rate(model) = model.lake.p.tb
    return [nutrients, plant_rate, trawl_rate]

_, data = run!(model, agent_step!, model_step!, 100; mdata = assets(model))

using Plots

discrete = model.lake.sol(0:12:365*100)

hl = plot(
    labels = ["Bream" "Pike" "Vegetation"],
    xticks = (0:365*5:365*100, 0:5:100),
hr = plot([data.plant_rate data.trawl_rate], labels = ["Plant Rate" "Trawl Rate"])
hn = plot(data.nutrients, label = "Nutrients")
l = @layout [a; b c]
plot(hl, hr, hn, layout = l, size = (1000, 700))

Stochastic Distributed Campaign

A 20 year planting campaign, 100 year time horizon and Turbid to Clear target. This time using geometric Brownian motion within the bistable corridor to simulate wending nutrient levels. 10 complete runs, each with 10 projected optimiser calls with new random seeds on the nutrient noise process. Distributed over as many process as you wish, this example uses one control and 13 workers.

using Distributed
@everywhere begin
    import Pkg

@everywhere using LimnoSES
@everywhere model = initialise(;
    experiment = Experiment(
        policy = Decision(
            target = clear_state,
            objectives = objectives(objective(min_time), objective(min_cost)),
            opt_replicates = 10,
        identifier = "noisy_N, Turbid->Clear",
        nutrient_series = Noise(
            GeometricBrownianMotionProcess(0.0, 0.05, 0.0, 2.0),
    lake_setup = lake_initial_state(S1, Martin),
    municipalities = Dict(
        "main" => (
                interventions = planner(plan(Planting, 1:20)),
                policies = policy(scan(Planting)),

@everywhere function assets(model)
    nutrients(model) = model.lake.p.nutrients
    plant_rate(model) = model.lake.p.pv
    trawl_rate(model) = model.lake.p.tb
    discrete(model) = model.lake.sol(
        (model.year > 1 ? 365 * (model.year - 1) + 36.5 : 0):36.5:365*model.year,
    return [nutrients, plant_rate, trawl_rate, discrete]

reps = 10
years = 100
_, data = replicates(model, agent_step!, model_step!, years, reps; mdata = assets(model))

using Plots, Statistics, DataFrames

discrete = LimnoSES.OrdinaryDiffEq.VectorOfArray([
            d in
                [:replicate, :step] => (r, s) -> r == i && s != 0,
        dims = 2,
    ) for i in 1:reps
t = 0:36.5:365*years

hl = plot(
    mean(discrete[1, :, :], dims = 2),
    ribbon = std(discrete[1, :, :], dims = 2),
    label = "Bream",
    linewidth = 2,
    xticks = (0:365*5:365*years, 0:5:years),
    mean(discrete[2, :, :], dims = 2),
    ribbon = std(discrete[2, :, :], dims = 2),
    label = "Pike",
    linewidth = 2,
    mean(discrete[3, :, :], dims = 2),
    ribbon = std(discrete[3, :, :], dims = 2),
    label = "Vegetation",
    linewidth = 2,

plant_rate = reshape(data.plant_rate, (years + 1, reps))
hr = plot(
    mean(plant_rate, dims = 2),
    ribbon = std(plant_rate, dims = 2),
    label = "Plant Rate",
    linewidth = 2,
    color = palette(:default)[3],
nut = reshape(data.nutrients, (years + 1, reps))
hn = plot(
    mean(nut, dims = 2),
    ribbon = std(nut, dims = 2),
    label = "Nutrients",
    linewidth = 2,
l = @layout [a; b c]
plot(hl, hr, hn, layout = l, size = (1000, 700))

New to Julia

If you've never used Julia before there are a few things you will need to do to get LimnoSES running.

Install Julia

First, you'll need the Julia runtime. Install the version for your operating system from this link. You'll want the current stable release (v1.6.x at time of writing).

Adding LimnoSES

Now you'll need to add the LimnoSES package to your system. Open the Julia REPL (short for Read-eval-print loop: it's the Julia command line). On linux and mac systems you can type julia at a prompt. For windows you can probably do the same or click an icon.

It's nice to do this from a specific directory you want to work in, so if you're using a prompt: first make one, cd into it and then start julia. Starting from an icon, try cd("working/directory/path"). You can use pwd() to make sure you're in the right place.

Now press ] to get into the REPL's package mode - you should see a (@v1.6) pkg> prompt. We're going to create a new project which is called whatever you named your folder. Say your folder was called shallow_lake, what we want to do at this prompt is type activate .. Now your prompt looks like: (shallow_lake) pkg>.

Since LimnoSES is in development, we add it like this:


In the near future it will be simpler, just add LimnoSES, but not right away.

Once the install is sorted, you can press backspace to get back to the green julia> prompt and type using LimnoSES. If all goes well you're ready!

Now you can go through the Quickstart section.